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Rain Gardens for Homeowners

Rain Gardens for Homeowners
Registration Begins
Last Day To Register
31 Titus Mill Road
Pennington, NJ 08534, US
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Have you ever wondered if you could have a rain garden in your yard? Rain gardens

beautify your property, reduce polluted runoff to streams, and enhance native habitat for pollinators and other local wildlife.


This event will prepare you to install and care for your own rain garden, including details of installation like how to determine the location, size, and depth of your rain garden, how to re-direct roof water to the garden, trouble-shooting, and what maintenance looks like through the years. Hear from two experts, The Watershed Institute’s Stormwater Specialist and Rutgers Landscaping Professionals, about installing and maintaining residential rain gardens.


The presentation on rain gardens and their installation will be followed by a question and answer discussion. This is a free event!



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